September Event CANCELLEDJeremy TaylorSep 23, 20221 min readUpdated: Sep 24, 2022Argh. It has been drizzling on and off all afternoon and there will be cloud cover of 50% to 80% for the rest of the evening, so the event is being called off.We hope to have an event for the November eclipse. Watch this space!^JT
Argh. It has been drizzling on and off all afternoon and there will be cloud cover of 50% to 80% for the rest of the evening, so the event is being called off.We hope to have an event for the November eclipse. Watch this space!^JT
Step Out Tasman event CANCELLEDDue to inclement weather, we are cancelling the Step Out Tasman event at Wai-iti Daek Sky Park on Oct 5. Due to worstening weather, there...
Aug 26 Event IS ONIt is looking a little cloudy but the forecast for tomorrow is worse, so tonight is the night! Hope you can be there!
Dec 3rd Star Part CancelledSadly, because of rubbish weather clouding out the skies, we are cancelling this event. Not only is the weather looking cloudy tonight,...