About Us
The Top of the South Dark Sky Committee is a group attached to the Nelson Science Society and its Astronomy Section.
There are many difficult problems facing the planet: climate change, racism, micro-plastics, contaminated drinking water... the list goes on. Light pollution is one problem we can solve, literally at the speed of light.
Our Mission
The Top of the South Dark Skies Commitee was established to pursue recognition of an area near Wai-iti as a designated Dark Sky Park by the International Dark Sky Association.
We advocate for efforts to reduce light pollution, and educate people so they know what they can personally do to reduce light pollution and the impact of artificial light and night on themselves and their families.

Our Vision
We want to see the night skies of our whole region protected as a taonga for the enjoyment of everyone and future generations.
The proposed Wai-iti Dark Sky Park is located at the Wai-iti Recreation Reserve (437 Wakefield-Kohatu Highway, Wai-iti) and Tunnicliff Forest, near Wakefield, NZ.

Join the team
If you are in the Top of the South and want to join our team, please let us know using the contact address below!
Please also consider joining the Nelson Science Society and its Astronomy Section (NZ$50 annual subscription).